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National Pollinator Week Crafts for Kids

How You Can Support Pollinators in Spring, Summer, and Beyond How do we keep the Garden so green and vibrant? Ithaca Children’s Garden (ICG) owes a big thank you to Jason, volunteers, and, of course, our resident pollinators. With Pollinator Week approaching (June 17 to 23, 2024) and the Garden

Brianna’s Scholarship Story

How has ICG’s scholarship impacted your family? The scholarship program has allowed our family to participate in Playful Nature Explorers. When Alfie started last January, my husband was the only person employed in our family as a teacher, and not a big salary. It was really exciting for Alfie to

Evelyn’s Scholarship Story

How has ICG’s scholarship impacted your family? First off, it’s allowed us to attend camp. Bottom line. That’s pretty important. Without the scholarship my children would not have been able to attend camp. We do not live in the county. We live out of state and my family has been

Empowering Kids Outdoors: Meet ICG’s New Youth Program Manager

For Kate Nelson (she/her), joining the Ithaca Children’s Garden (ICG) education team as the Youth Program Manager was a natural progression. “I’m really looking forward to seeing how everything is run and becoming a part of the community here. There’s a strong community base at ICG, and I know most

Laurie’s Scholarship Story

At Ithaca Children’s Garden, our vision is that every child has the basic human right to play, learn, and grow outdoors and develop a life-long relationship with the living world. One of the ways we aim to bring the joy of outdoor adventures and nature exploration is with our world-class

Sarah’s Scholarship Story

How has ICG’s scholarship impacted your family? It came at the perfect time. I was nervous about starting work and sending Sam to kindergarten during the pandemic. Knowing he could go to After School @ ICG and be outside helped. He started part-time; then, we shifted to full-time. At first,