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National Pollinator Week Crafts for Kids

How You Can Support Pollinators in Spring, Summer, and Beyond How do we keep the Garden so green and vibrant? Ithaca Children’s Garden (ICG) owes a big thank you to Jason, volunteers, and, of course, our resident pollinators. With Pollinator Week approaching (June 17 to

Fun facts & books about worms to keep you wiggling!

In one acre of land, there can be more than a million earthworms. Earthworms are a source of food for numerous animals like birds, rats, and toads. Worms do not have eyes but they can sense light, especially at their anterior (front end). They move

Nutrition SuperHeroes

Your plants may not be able to fly, they don’t even wear capes, but they pack a powerful punch when it comes to keeping your body healthy and strong. Let’s get to know the superheroes living in your container garden: Basil It smells good, it

May 13 & May 20: Ask Me Anything with the Frank Lab

Last Friday, May 8, plant science kits (including vegetable seedlings, seeds, supplies, and lessons) that ICG produced in collaboration with the amazing team at Cornell’s Frank Lab were distributed by school bus to every Ithaca City School District receiving school meals through ICSD’s Farm to

Windowsill Sprouts

What are microgreens? Microgreens are baby plants, unlike sprouts that don’t have any leaves yet and baby greens that have a few, microgreens are about 1-3 inches tall and consist of the plant’s cotyledon leaves and first pair of true leaves. The first leaves that

Making your own tea!

Looking for a way to make tea to stay warm during this chilly early spring? Make tea bags using dried herbs you have on hand! ICG Educator Lauren Salzman is staying connected to nature from inside her home by finding things in nature that her