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Garbage Gardening: Growing Vegetable Scraps

Did you know you can regrow some vegetables (and fruit) from the parts you don’t eat? You can grow new roots on the bottom of your veggies to regrow them into more food! What you need: Shallow wide-mouth containers such as bowls or recycled containers

Windowsill Sprouts

What are microgreens? Microgreens are baby plants, unlike sprouts that don’t have any leaves yet and baby greens that have a few, microgreens are about 1-3 inches tall and consist of the plant’s cotyledon leaves and first pair of true leaves. The first leaves that

Houseplant Meet & Greet

Get to you know your houseplant with this Meet & Greet activity! Share what your houseplant looks, smells, and feels like; draw what it looks now and imagine what it’ll look like in 5 years! If you don’t have access to a printer, no problem,

Making your own tea!

Looking for a way to make tea to stay warm during this chilly early spring? Make tea bags using dried herbs you have on hand! ICG Educator Lauren Salzman is staying connected to nature from inside her home by finding things in nature that her

At home birding activities!

How do we stay connected to nature from inside our homes? ICG Philanthropy Associate Tori Chamberlin is staying connected to nature from home by birdwatching right from her window! Want to spark a love of birds in your little – or not so little! –

Introducing Community Grows: Houseplants

I imagine this won’t be a surprise to you, but here at ICG, we love plants. Yet some of us might be feeling that our opportunities to connect with plants outside might be more limited right now. Good news – growing houseplants is an easy

For the love of rocks

By Leigh MacDonald-Rizzo, Education Director My 8 year old loves collecting things; mostly, nature things. I’m not sure where he gets it from. Who am I kidding… I know exactly where he gets it from. This is the windowsill in my kitchen. Every time we

Fairy Gardens

Looking for easy nature activities for your child to do with the materials in your backyard or nearby green space? Build Fairy Gardens! ICG Garden Manager Jean Gerow shares that when she can’t plant outside, she “just goes outside and finds some twigs and leaves