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Unleashing children’s bug-eyed wonder

Willows explore the world of insects with Cornell’s Entomology graduate students

Thanks to Cornell University’s Entomology graduate students, ICG’s Willows summer campers (ages 6 to 10) are embarking on a journey to become the natural world’s tiniest stewards. In a summer filled with exploration and discovery, the young campers will immerse themselves in the captivating world of insects to boost their awareness, inspire curiosity, and, above all, embrace ICG’s ultimate value of fun!

Tobias Mueller outdoors in nature with Willows, children that are ages 6 to 10, demonstrating how to spot insects among plants.
Tobias Mueller (he/him) showing Willows insects hidden among the Garden’s flowers.

Cornell Entomology graduate student Tobias Mueller led the first of many entomological adventures that Willows will embark on this summer. Tobias began the journey by delving into the crucial roles insects play in our ecosystem, emphasizing pollinators’ indispensable contribution to our food sources.

Willows discovered that, for most of the dishes we enjoy, we have pollinators– like honeybees–to thank. For instance, imagine a holiday feast without pumpkin pie!

Afterward, it was time to send the Willows, and their newly acquired knowledge, to the Wildflower Meadow and Bioswale to uncover insect life hiding amidst the foliage. The meadow was a treasure trove of tiny wonders, and campers tried to spot as many insects as possible. Tobias was there to help, guiding Willows through the insect kingdom and revealing the fantastic things these critters need to survive.

One remarkable discovery was a mysterious growth on a goldenrod plant, which Tobias explained was the ingenious handiwork of a fly. The fly laid its eggs inside the stem to protect the offspring (larva) from predators and provide them a food source before emerging in the fall—a remarkable example of nature’s ingenious parenting strategies.

The next few weeks of summer camp will offer Willows more exciting entomology adventures, with the graduate students of Cornell’s Entomology Department returning to present to ICG. Simply put, these young stewards are well on their way to becoming guardians of the environment, armed with knowledge and a sense of wonder that will last a lifetime.