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Fairy Houses!

Spring is a magical time when fairies visit the human world often.  We can invite them into our yards, gardens, and neighborhoods by creating homes and gifts for them. Although they are shy and often hide from humans if you look closely you may see evidence of their visits. 

If you want fairies to come to visit you must establish a relationship with them first. Fairies will judge us based on how we treat the earth. Cleaning up the space where you want to build your fairy house will please them. Make sure it’s free of litter and that you are respectful of the natural space.

Special guest entomology student & fairy expert Nina Devine shares why fairies are so special and how you can build your own fairy house to invite these guardians of nature to your backyard.

Nina shares what entomology is and introduces us to her critter friends.

Now it’s time to build your fairy house!


After you find a clean quiet place for your fairy house search for items to build with. Sticks, leaves, and bark are great materials to build walls or a roof.

Step 2:

Next find items that can be used to make furniture such as a bed, couch or dining table and chairs.

Step 3:

Next start using your items to build a fairy house.

Step 4:

To help attract fairies to your little house leave shiny rocks or treats for them. Fairies love when we leave treats. You can find flowers with nectar, honey, or berries to leave as offerings.